30 Sep 2020
Marsh Barton
Marsh Barton offers the largest opportunity within the Liveable Exeter programme to deliver a significant number of new homes as part of a mixed use community – it has the potential to become more
than just a dormitory suburb and become a new town within the city; building on Garden Community principles with scope to deliver up to 5,000 new homes as part of a mixed use community.
Marsh Barton offers an opportunity to achieve something genuinely transformative for the city; delivering new homes in sustainable, low carbon communities alongside revitalised employment opportunities,
delivering genuine place-making and delivering sustainable and active travel opportunities which will seek to utilise existing and under-utilised infrastructure, including the redundant railway line that runs through the area. Mobility hubs, linear parks and digital connectivity will all take the place of expanding car parks and roads and offer the opportunity to create a ground-breaking development anchored around a comprehensive and sustainable urban mobility network.
The future Marsh Barton will connect with Water Lane and the City Centre, to become a super-connected place which builds on existing under-utilised and redundant infrastructure to deliver world-class sustainable and active travel opportunities.
- Homes: 5,544
- Shops, leisure etc: As existing
- Work space: As existing
- Other: Community space and school sites.