21 Nov 2023
The delivery of large-scale, brownfield developments will be supported by the following principles and must demonstrate how each of the following Liveable Exeter principles and requirements will be achieved.
Principle 1: Memorable places. Development will:
- Contribute positively to an area’s character and identity, creating local distinctiveness and reinforcing its role within the city.
- Respond positively to local topography, open spaces and watercourses and maximise views to Exeter’s natural and built landmarks and features.
- Make efficient use of land so Exeter remains compact and walkable.
- Enable sustainable transport for access to the city centre, district and local centres, employment areas, the River Exe and the Valley Parks.
- Contribute to the varied and innovative social, economic and cultural offering in the city.
Principle 2: Outstanding quality. Development will:
- Build at optimal density and maximise the development footprint, incorporating the highest densities at the most accessible and sustainable locations.
- Incorporate innovative solutions within buildings, transport provision, energy and other infrastructure to achieve our ambitions for a net-zero city by 2030.
- Enhance Exeter’s natural, built and historic environment, particularly at gateway and arrival points, main routes into the city, city centre, the Ship Canal and Basin, the River Exe and the Valley Parks.
- Provide innovative and exciting education, research, skills, work and leisure destinations in prominent and accessible locations.
- Ensure neighbourhoods function effectively in the long term by incorporating stewardship measures which provide for the effective management and maintenance of the public realm and communal private spaces.
Principle 3: Welcoming neighbourhoods. Development will:
- Provide a variety of high quality, affordable and market homes catering for local needs.
Support a wide range of accessible, local jobs and provide the education and skills to support local employment. - Support thriving high streets, district and local centres, and create new centres where appropriate, delivering local shops, open spaces, community, education and health facilities.
- Provide safe, healthy, accessible and inclusive streets and public spaces which are people-friendly, human in scale, well managed and cared for.
- Phase delivery to ensure important infrastructure and facilities are provided early on.
Principle 4: Liveable buildings. Development will:
- Ensure that homes are adaptable to changing demands and lifestyles.
- Include beautiful buildings which complement local character using high quality designs and materials.
- Ensure buildings are energy efficient, adopt a fabric first approach and apply high performance standards such as Passivhaus and whole-life carbon assessment.
- Provide homes that are predominantly dual-aspect ensuring high levels of natural daylight and ventilation.
- Be laid out and designed to maximise internal air quality.
Principle 5: Active streets. Development will:
- Incorporate active travel and passive surveillance measures at the outset of development design.
- Make direct connections to the active travel network and key destinations.
- Reallocate road space to maximise active travel, public transport, shared mobility and the provision of attractive public spaces through seating and planting.
- Maximise parking and storage for cycling, provide infrastructure to support electric vehicles and bicycles and minimise parking for private cars.
Principle 6: Spaces for people and wildlife. Development will:
- Provide and enhance connections to existing green networks and spaces including the Valley Parks and Green Circle.
- Maximise opportunities for landscaping, planting and trees using tools such as the Urban Greening Factor.
- Promote vitality and inclusivity by providing safe and attractive places for play, recreation, food growing and socialising outdoors.
- Ensure that space is created specifically for nature to deliver biodiversity gains within the city.
Principle 7: Connected Culture. Development will:
- Use research and technology to improve development quality to drive investment for sustainability and
resilience to climate change in Exeter. - Support local economic growth by providing flexible space for creative industries.
- Create resilient, adaptable, networked communities and successful local centres that support civic pride,
express local identity and support learning. - Support high quality cultural place-making projects in the public realm and community facilities to achieve exemplary social value and environmental quality, including public art, greening and community facilities.
- Safeguard, promote access to and reflect creative talent through civic participation in culture and support ‘meanwhile uses’ whilst sites are being developed.
- Harness Exeter’s rich heritage, to inspire, innovate and celebrate a sense of community identity and pride, cultural creativity and innovation using the city’s history and its traditions.
You can access the full version of the Liveable Exeter Principles document, here: Liveable Exeter Principles